Print one for each dog
Print form and return to Town Clerk or Dog Control Officer
Print one if you have 4 or more dogs on your property
Dog Information
To all dog owners in the Town of Watson:
The Town of Watson Local Law #3 of 2010 for the Town of Watson, Section 4 states, All dogs in the Town of Watson unless otherwise exempted, must be licensed with the Town Clerk by the age of 4 months and are required to present Certificate of Rabies at the time of licensing or the renewal of an existing license provided, however, that dogs of any age which are held at a shelter, pursuant to a contract or agreement with any County, City, Town or Village, or duly incorporated society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, humane society or dog protective association do not have to be licensed. (Local Law #3 of 2010 is posted on the Town of Watson website.)
Dog Law #4 2024 - Effective January 2025
Dog License Information
A dog the is spayed/neutered will cost $10.00 per year for the license.
A dog that is not spayed/neutered will cost $20.00 per year for the license.
The dog will be issued a Town of Watson license tags at the initial time of licensing, which the dog is expected to have on.
If the dog loses the license tag there is a $3.00 replacement license fee.
Once the dog has been licensed in the Town of Watson a yearly renewal form will be sent to the mailing address that is on file for that dog.
It the dog owners responsibility to call the Town Clerk with any address changes.
As the dog owner you have 30 days to complete the renewal form and send/drop it back to the Town Clerk with appropriate payment amount without penalties.
$5.00 penalty will be added every 30 days past due, up to $10.00 penalty.
Kennel Permit
Printable form above.
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