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Town Clerk  
Notary Public
Michelle Ward - Term Ends: 12/31/2025
Office Phone: (315) 376-3866 Ext. 3
Monday 10am-4pm
Tuesday 10am-3pm
Wednesday 10am-4pm
Thursday 10am-3pm
Friday 10am-4pm
Also by appointment


Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Marriage Licenses 
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Print off the application, complete, provide a $10.00 payment for each requested copy and send/return to the Town Clerk.

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Death Certificate

Print off the application, complete, provide a $10.00 payment for each requested copy and send/return to the Town Clerk

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Marriage Certificate

Both parties must be present.
A drivers license, birth certificate and/or passport and social security card are required.
Divorce papers from a previous marriage(s) must also be provided.
The fee is $40.00.
There is a 24 hour waiting period before the license becomes valid; it remains valid for 60 days.
Print Marriage License, complete, bring all required documents and payment to the Town Clerk.

Printable Marriage License

ONE-DAY Marriage Officiant License

* A One-Day Marriage Officiant must be 18 years of age or older and need not be a resident of the town of city to which they apply or a resident of New York State. A One-Day Marriage Officiant shall have the authority to solemnize a marriage anywhere in New York State.

* An applicant for a One-Day Marriage Officiant License must apply for such license in the same town clerk’s office as the couple to be married.

* Application Fee - $25.00 in cash, check or money order made payable to: Watson Town Clerk. Credit/Debit cards accepted with a service fee of 2.65% or minimum of $1.50.

* A One-Day Marriage Officiant License shall only be valid for the parties to be married as stated on the application and shall expire after the marriage ceremony or the expiration of the marriage license, whichever occurs first.

* One-Day Marriage Officiant shall be exempt from registration as required pursuant to Section 11-b of the Domestic Relations Law. 

Responsibilities of the Marriage Officiant
Once the one-day marriage officiant license is granted, the officiant may solemnize the couple’s marriage anywhere in NYS during the period of time the couple’s marriage license is in effect. It is the couple’s responsibility to present their marriage license to the officiant. After the religious service or ceremony, it is the officiant’s responsibility to ensure that the officiant and witness portions of the license are properly completed and accurate. Please look over the license, confirm that the information is accurate, and complete the officiant sections which include sections: 26, 27, 28 and 29 and be sure in section 28c. you specify the “correct” city, town or village in which the ceremony took place! Once completed and reviewed, the officiant must file the completed marriage license with the town clerk within (5) days of the ceremony.

You can drop it off or mail to:
Town of Watson – Town Clerk
6971 Number Four Road
Lowville, NY 13367

The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) does not have the authority to advise you weather or not an individual or organization qualifies to perform a marriage in New York State. This is a requirement of Article 3, Section 11 of New York State Domestic Relations Law and not under the jurisdiction of the Department of Health, if you have questions, you may wish to contact an attorney familiar with New York State Domestic Relations Law and marriage case law. 

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Notary Public Service
What to Bring to a Notary:
When you're preparing for a notarization, double-check that you have all essential items for the process to go smoothly.
Here is what you'll need to bring with you when getting something notarized:

The completed document you wish to notarize
Valid photo ID that meets state requirements
Any other individuals (with proper ID) who will be signing the document.

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